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    The content in the manual will adjust to the specific
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    Pro Tip

    Guide dogs can accompany people with disabilities in any part of the building open to tenants.

    Our offices are fully accessible and friendly to all users, including those with disabilities. With their needs in mind, we have made every effort to ensure that Renoma and the space around it are free of unnecessary barriers.

    Access to the car park

    On levels 5 and 6 of the indoor car park, there are parking spaces specially designated for people with disabilities.

    From levels 3 up to 6 of the indoor car park, there are parking spaces specially designated for people with disabilities.

    Access to the building

    Pro tip

    Having trouble hearing? Our reception desk is equipped with an induction loop. It will let you hear everything clearly.

    Pro tip

    Having trouble hearing? Our Information Point is equipped with an induction loop. It will let you hear everything clearly.

    Accessible lifts and toilets

    Every passenger lift in the complex provides a comfortable environment for wheelchair users. A public accessible lift is located on the ground floor of the building.

    Sign language at the reception

    Sign language speakers have no problem communicating with the reception staff. This is thanks to the Migam Interpreter service. All you need to do is find a special sticker on the reception desk with a QR code. Scan it to go to the Migam website. A video connection is established with a Polish Sign Language interpreter.

    Sign language at the Information Point

    Sign language speakers have no problem communicating with the reception staff. This is thanks to the Migam Interpreter service. All you need to do is find a special sticker on the Information Point desk with a QR code. Scan it to go to the Migam website. A video connection is established with a Polish Sign Language interpreter.

    Evacuation of people with disabilities

    A plan must be in place to evacuate people with disabilities, including mobility impairments, from the building in the event of an emergency. This applies to the service and retail area, the office area and the multi-storey car park of the Renoma Shopping Centre.

    An evacuation plan for people with disabilities in the office part must be drawn up by each tenant for their area. It should be submitted to the building manager for approval, together with the number of people expected to use it.

    Arrangements for evacuation from other parts of the building are the responsibility of the building manager. Persons with reduced mobility can use the evacuation chair located in the security room. It is also envisaged that hoists will be used for rescue teams in consultation with the Emergency Manager.

    Ad hoc movement of people with disabilities from the area directly threatened by the fire to adjacent temporary safe zones on the same floor, such as smoke-protected corridors and fire vestibules or separate fire zones, is also assumed. Evacuation waiting areas are marked. They are located in areas of protected escape routes (stairwells, vestibules).